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Anchor 1
In that Moment... Finish It!, book
In that Moment... Finish It!

Have you ever, after hearing about a bad decision that someone made, said something like, “If I was her, I would’ve…?” Well, guess what! Although you will never be her, you can think for her. The only caveat though is that you will first have to think like Christ. In That Moment… Finish It! is a finished book containing the unfinished stories of nine fictional women. Though fictional, these nine women face real-life issues – issues that none of us are immune to. None of the nine dilemmas may ever darken the doorsteps of your life personally, but what about your sister, your mother, your friend, the neighbor, or the stranger that you might meet? What is gleaned from this book might not be applicable to you, but it could be the answer that someone close to you might need… in that moment.

I pray that you will enjoy finishing the stories on your own, along with your best friend, your book club, or your Women’s Bible Study group.

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Anchor 2
A Message for the Disciples... You Too, Peter

A Message for the Disciples... ~ Realized your own sinfulness? In a pit of mourning? "Neither Be Ye Sorry," but ~ Rejoice in the Lord! "For the Joy of the Lord is Your Strength" ~ Are you missing God because of the messenger? "What's Your Flavor?" ~ Have you been offended in church? "So, Why Give Up on God?" ~ Hear Him out, even if it hurts. You're only "Hurting to Heal." ~ Disciple in the background or Peter in the forefront? You can still be offended. "Offense Is Not Partial" ~ Has "Familiar Territory" turned out to be the opposite? ~ Has "That Ol' Crow the Seedpicker" been in your ear? ~ Who's worthier? Man or God? "Who's your God?" ~ "Whom Do Men Say He is?" ~ Most importantly, "Whom Do You Say He Is?


This book contains a message of hope and restoration for all of Christ's disciples who have either deserted or denied Him due to offense. He still desires that all meet Him in Galilee... You Too, Peter.

A Message for the Disciples... You Too, Peter, book
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Anchor 3
Coming Soon, book
Coming Soon

Stay tuned for more coming from author Juanita E. Davis!

Coming Soon
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